Keto Calculator

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Crafted by Mikey

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About Keto Calculator

This keto calculator helps you easily find your nutrition needs on a ketogenic diet. The right amount of protein, fat, and carb intake is essential to achieve your goals and maximise your results.

Based on the details you provide, it will calculate how many calories you need to consume daily and what your ideal macronutrient breakdown should be.

Simply enter in your data for gender, age, weight, height, and activity level to get started. The more accurate your data, the better the calculations will serve you. This will give you your BMR and TDEE on average. After that, choose your goal and preferred net carbohydrate amount along with your protein-to-fat ratio.

Keto Calculator

Macro Keto Calculator by WorkoutCave – Home Workouts With Minimal Space, Equipment And Time!

About The Keto Diet

The Ketogenic Diet is a dietary protocol in which the goal is to enter a state of ketosis. This is when your body shifts from primarily burning glucose for energy to burning ketones. Ketones are produced when fatty acids are broken down in your body and serve as the primary energy substrate when glucose isn’t readily available. To initiate this, you must either avoid eating altogether or eat low-to-no carbohydrates to force your body to adapt to using ketones for energy. There are many benefits to the Keto diet, which is beyond the scope of this limited overview featured with this Keto Calculator.


How Much Protein Do I Need On Keto?

This depends on how active you are, how much lean body mass you have, and whether you are in a caloric deficit or surplus. These attributes require more daily protein:

High levels of activity
High levels of LBM
Caloric deficits

On the flip side, those who are sedentary, have less muscle, and are eating in a caloric surplus require much less protein. Remember, Keto is protein-sparing so you don’t need as much as you would on a regular diet. Too much protein also induces more gluconeogenesis which can result in being kicked out of ketosis.

On a regular diet, the simple answer is to eat more protein than you need to ensure you get enough. But, protein can induce gluconeogenesis, which is unwanted during a state of ketosis. While the amount that protein converts to glucose may be small, the more you eat, the more will turn into carbohydrates. Too much protein on a keto diet can turn it into a less efficient low-carbohydrate diet altogether and you won’t stay in ketosis if you enter it at all!

What Are Net Carbs?

While fiber is consumed daily and listed as a carbohydrate, it doesn’t get absorbed and converted to energy in the body. That means that fiber does nothing to produce extra glucose when consumed. So, for the Keto diet, fiber doesn’t count towards the carbohydrate total that can knock one out of ketosis.

Net carbs = total carbs minus fiber. It’s as simple as that!

Don’t leave out fibrous vegetables thinking that those fiber carbs will knock you out of ketosis.

How Many Net Carbs Should I Have?

The more active you are with bouts of intense activity/exercise, the more carbohydrates you can have daily while staying in ketosis. The general rule-of-thumb is to stay below 50g of carbs per day. However, some people can’t have more than 10g without getting knocked out of ketosis. Others are lucky enough to have up to 75-100g of carbohydrates and still stay in ketosis.

The true answer is to experiment and test the results to know your actual limitations. When in doubt, each less than you think you can get away with!

How Do I Know If I’m In Ketosis?

You can test your blood for ketones, use urine strips to test for ketones, or simply apply the old Keto-breath test. There will be times where you bounce in and out of ketosis, which is perfectly fine if you are using the Keto diet as a tool instead of a necessity. Bouncing in and out of ketosis every once in a while is great for metabolic flexibility!

What Happens If I Don’t Eat Enough Fat While On Keto?

Ketones are produced when fatty acids are broken down. If you don’t consume enough dietary fat, you won’t have the fuel that provides your main source of energy. If you don’t consume enough fat, your body will induce more gluconeogenesis to boot you out of ketosis and try to salvage itself with a limited supply of fast-acting glucose from fatty acids and proteins consumed.

How Long Does It Take Keto To Work?

By work, it’s assumed that the goal is to enter a state of ketosis. Fasting for 72 hours can induce it, or eating in a ketogenic way can induce it in days or weeks. The individual rate to enter ketosis varies. The fewer carbohydrates and total food you consume, the quicker the transition to ketosis becomes.

This isn’t a recommendation to fast your way into ketosis or starve yourself with tiny meals, however. Keeping your calorie and macronutrient intake at optimal levels is the best way to stay healthy and reap the benefits of ketosis, even if it takes a bit longer to work.

Can You Eat As Much As You Want On Keto?

No, calories in versus calories out is still the overarching factor of weight manipulation when dieting. Even back in 1976, we found that when calories are equated, the Keto diet and a regular diet produce the same weight-loss results. You can’t eat as much as you want when you are in ketosis and expect optimal results.

The ketogenic diet has many benefits that help users adhere to it better than other diets, however. This has been a huge factor in its rising popularity. The best diet is the one that you can stick to!

What Do I Do With The Keto Calculator Results?

Use them to track your daily food intake and try to get as close to the calculator results as possible. Assess your progress and make adjustments when needed.

Do I Have To Give You My Actual Stats?

The more accurately you enter your data into the Keto calculator, the more accurate the recommendations will be.

How Many Meals Should I Eat Per Day?

This is completely up to you, although the Keto diet pairs great with Intermittent Fasting since fasting induces ketosis better than low-carbohydrate meals.

What Are Good Sources Of Fat For Keto?

Pasture-raised animal fats, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc. Avoid trans fats and too many of any kind of fatty acid.

What Are Good Sources Of Protein For Keto?

Animal protein sources are the best for the Keto diet since they contain little-to-no carbohydrate content.

What Are Good Sources Of Carbs For Keto?

Fibrous vegetables and limited fruits.

Is This Keto Calculator 100% Accurate?

It is accurate based on averages. Everyone exists somewhere on a bell-curve. While this calculator may work fantastic for 80% of people, 10% of people may need more calories while another 10% need less. The key here is to start with what the Keto calculator gives you, track your progress, and make adjustments based on your individual response.


Hope you have found this Keto Calculator helpful, also you might be interested it other calculators available!

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